Caring Ministry
- Weekly emails and gatherings help us to pray for one another at Hope Church. During the school year, evening Word and Prayer meets during our Mid-week connection time each Wednesday night. Throughout the year, daytime Word and Prayer meets on Wednesday mornings, from 10:30-11:30 in our Fireside room.
- See our calendar with prayer gatherings here.
- Submit your prayer requests through this form (keep them private with staff, or allow us to share them on our app’s prayer list and in our weekly prayer emails). Submit a Prayer Request
Visitation Team
- The Visitation Team provides encouragement and fellowship for our brothers and sisters who are in need, especially those who are homebound or hospitalized. We reflect the love of God by listening, being present, reading the Word, and praying with those we visit. Monthly gatherings of team members help to organize and encourage us. Team members commit to 1-2 hours of service per week.
- Email/call Katie Rudy if you are in need of a visit, or if you’re interested in serving in this way: or 815-957-4663
Helping Hands
- Helping Hands exists to train-up disciples in worshipping God through serving others’ physical needs, usually those in our church body who don’t have the means or physical abilities to do the work themselves; like providing rides to doctor appointments, fixing broken things, cleaning up after a storm, or building a handicap ramp. As God is the source of every good gift that we have, we desire to demonstrate this truth by cheerfully giving our time, resources, and talents to those in need around us.
- Call the church if you’re interested in learning more or serving in this way. 815.623.6545
Meal Train
- When people have big events in their lives, such as a birth or death of a loved one, an injury, or a big move, we love to provide them with meals. Whether it’s a home cooked meal, or carry out, this act of care does much to build up our church family.
- Call the church office if you would like to be added to our meal train email list, which would give you the option to sign up to provide meals for people in our church body whenever you can. 815.623.6545