Sermons in: The Psalter Worship Through The Psalms

In this sermon, we are pastored to see and understand the injustice in...

The Lord of History
In this Psalm, David gives us a big-picture view of God's righteous...

Surprised by Joy
In this sermon, we learn how to let Psalm 8 lead us in joyful praise—no...

When I Have Been Wronged…
In this sermon, we see how to respond when someone has treated us unjustly.

Heal Me, O Lord
In this sermon we are instructed in the importance of the confession of...

Consider my Groaning
In this sermon we are reminded to reach for and take refuge in God in...

Where Do You Find Your Joy?
In this sermon we see that only God is our ultimate source of peace and...

Arise, O Lord!
In this sermon we see the faith of David during a great time of need.

Kiss the Son
In this sermon we receive a vision of Jesus enthroned above all the...

The Blessed Person
In this sermon we learn that the "blessed person" is the one who...